Robert Giordano

Welcome to my Linkatopia. I like music, photography, drones, and welding. I'm currently rebuilding this entire site, and adding more cool features. See the blog!

Recent Posts

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Bots, so many Bots - WakaTime

"ProductHunt has over 1 million user signups. More than 60 percent of those are bots."
I need to study this to prevent it happening on Linkatopia

  | Oct 2, 2024

GitHub - zhengkyl/qrframe: code-based qr code generator

This looks really good!!

  | Oct 1, 2024


Completely open source tiled map, either self hosted or free public instance. No API keys, no limits. Looks amazing!!

  | Oct 1, 2024

OAuth from First Principles - Stack Auth

Nice set of diagrams showing how advanced OAuth 2.0 works and the various security issues it solves

  | Sep 6, 2024

Is it better to be a Jack-of-All-Trades or a Master-of-One? : r/webdev

Really good discussion here... its relatable

  | Aug 30, 2024

Cringey, But True: How Uber Tests Payments In Production

"You are wasting most of the time you spend testing..."

  | Aug 21, 2024

html - Setting max z-index of Google Adsense's auto ads - Stack Overflow

I just posted my answer for this bizarre problem I had to solve recently. Google ads are using a Z-index of 2147483647, which is the highest integer value in CSS. These ads are essentially giving you the middle finger!

  | Sep 28, 2023

A 7-segment display in pure CSS

This is just some nice code!

  | Sep 16, 2023 Sign-in form best practices

A nice guide to creating usable sign-in forms. I think I'm following almost everything here

  | Sep 11, 2023

Content-Security-Policy (CSP) Header Quick Reference

Another good resource

  | Sep 2, 2023

Markup Void elements validator/validator Wiki GitHub

An explanation of why NOT to use trailing slashes in void-element tags like img and br. I used to do this years ago but for HTML5 it's not necessary and causes validation errors

  | Jan 7, 2023

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) on iOS 13 and 14, iPhone and iPad

Pretty good article from Jan 2021. Covers all of the general questions about PWAs but does NOT get into the code itself.

  | Mar 31, 2022

USA state list HTML select snippet -

Nice collection of snippets, validators, and tools here

  | Mar 18, 2022

Turn off HTML Input Auto Fixups for Mobile Devices - Rick Strahl's Web Log

article from 2015 that is still SUPER relevant

  | Mar 3, 2022

Motherfucking Website

HAHAHA!!! This is awesome!!

  | Feb 4, 2022

Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers

This might be the best, most up to date one. I started using this site in 2020 and I just used it again today.

  | Jan 26, 2022

css - How to use HTML to print header and footer on every printed page of a doc

Lots of interesting answers here. None are solid. Some MAY work in SOME browsers, SOME of the time. I just find this crazy in 2022.

  | Jan 16, 2022

SVG in HTML Reference

  | Jan 15, 2022

What Are Favicons: Everything You Need to Know in 2021

Updated 2020 article with all of the different sizes, and Microsoft's browserconfig.xml

  | Jan 7, 2022

Configuring the Viewport

  | Dec 22, 2021

Scripts: async, defer

This is a very simple explanation of defer and async, with examples

  | Nov 4, 2021

Defer non-critical CSS

Some interesting tips and methods here.

  | Nov 4, 2021

Graph database - Wikipedia

Good intro and comparison of SQL and Graph queries

  | Jun 17, 2021

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

This is where a web page changes/updates while you're trying to read it and causes you to lose your place. More stuff to learn how to fix and/or prevent

  | May 31, 2021

Web Vitals

- Largest Contentful Paint
- First Input Delay
- Cumulative Layout Shift

  | May 31, 2021

Emojigraph - Emoji Universe

Emoji codes for Javascript, CSS, etc

  | Feb 22, 2021

Trident User Agents -

Searchable database of millions of user agents

  | Feb 19, 2021

Python vs Php - Python Wiki

A good overview of the differences and quirks of both

  | Feb 8, 2021

JavaScript Performance in the Wild 2020

Interesting look at protocols, libraries, and other factors that can make one site faster or slower than another

  | Jan 27, 2021

Have the tables turned on NoSQL? - Stack Overflow Blog

Interesting comparison

  | Jan 21, 2021

Switch font color for different backgrounds with CSS | CSS-Tricks

This is brilliant except it doesn't work in IE or Edge. Why am I even surprised lol

  | Nov 17, 2020

Stateful vs. Stateless Web App Design - API Blog: Everything You Need to Know

This Sept 2020 blog post is trying to sell its own service, but does a decent job of explaining the differences between stateful and stateless web apps.

  | Nov 16, 2020

Jens Segers - A stateless blog with Webmentions

This article describes "webmentions" a W3C recommendation for notifying a url when someone links to it. But what's a "stateless" blog? I saved another article that explains this, lol.

  | Oct 31, 2020

8 Tips on How to Reduce DNS Lookups and Speed Them Up

Mostly stuff for Wordpress but some of it could apply anywhere

  | Oct 15, 2020

Mathematics for programmers (early draft) - Math-for-programmers.pdf

There is some great stuff in here on primes, encryption, probability, auto-complete, etc

  | Sep 25, 2020

How to provide your own in-app install experience

Pete LePage, 2020 article

  | Aug 17, 2020

Add to Home screen - Progressive web apps (PWAs) | MDN

this example is based on Pete LePage's code

  | Aug 17, 2020

Favicon & App Icon Generator

  | Aug 6, 2020

Cookie Policy - 123RF

  | Jul 2, 2020

Server doesn't boot after upgrading from 10.3 to 11.2 | The FreeBSD Forums

This is my first post on the FreeBSD forums

  | Dec 16, 2018

apache - Redirecting https://www to https://non-www - without seeing certificate

This is an issue if your SSL cert doesn't handle www

  | Jun 20, 2018


a versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser

  | Jun 7, 2018

SVG Tutorial

  | Jun 7, 2018

Modal Dialog - JSFiddle

Code for a modal dialog that scrolls

  | Jun 5, 2018

Promo - Online Marketing Video Maker

Take a look at how the video on this page works

  | May 24, 2018

Responsive Web Design Introduction

This is a good example to show people what "responsive" means

  | May 21, 2018

Introduction to ARIA | Web Fundamentals | Google Developers

How to add extra attributes to custom interface items for mobile

  | May 18, 2018

HTML5 Validator

For validating HTML5 .zip files for ads

  | May 14, 2018

php - How to safely display external pictures? - Information Security Stack Exch

One example of how to safely allow users to link images.

  | May 8, 2018

My way to safely display external pictures GitHub

Detailed code from the same author of the previous saved post

  | May 8, 2018

HTTP / HTTPS Header Check

  | May 2, 2018

W3C Link Checker

  | Apr 25, 2018

Pro Tech Toolkit New - iFixit

Look how the video is embedded and loops

  | Apr 5, 2018

Form Inputs: The Browser Support Issue You Didn't Know You Had '" Smashing Magaz

This article lists all the problems with form fields and type="number"

  | May 2, 2017

view the source of this page for a look at an interesting effect.

  | Mar 3, 2017

BuiltWith Technology Lookup

Find out what a web site was built with and what cms and other services are being used.

  | Aug 7, 2016

IP2Location' IP-Country-Region-City Database [DB3] |

There are links at the bottom to free databases

  | Jul 3, 2016

How can I check if a MySQL table exists with PHP? - Stack Overflow

Even though this isn't the accepted answer, it looks like the best:

if(mysql_query("DESCRIBE [table]")) {

  | Jun 14, 2016 - Web APIs | MDN

All you ever wanted to know about opening popup browser windows in Javascript.

  | Jun 6, 2016

html - Href attribute for JavaScript links: "#" or "javascript:void(0)"? - Stack

Lengthy discussion of how to write Javascript links

  | Apr 17, 2016

Email Deliverability Best Practice Guides | SendGrid

Lots of info to download!

  | Feb 25, 2016

A Beginner's Guide to HTTP Cache Headers | Mobify

Cache-Control: no-transform,public,max-age=300,s-maxage=900

  | Feb 3, 2016

MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: Changes Affecting Upgrades to 5.

Upgrading to MySQL 5.5 from earlier versions

  | Dec 23, 2015

Cookie blocked/not saved in IFRAME in Internet Explorer - Stack Overflow

header('P3P: CP="Potato"'); HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  | Dec 22, 2015

Tracking Upload Progress with PHP and JavaScript

Requires PHP 5.4+

  | Dec 6, 2015

Matthew Kenney Cuisine: Crafting the Future of Food

Look at the features of this site

  | Nov 11, 2015

HTML5 Geolocation

  | Nov 9, 2015

Virtual Machine (VM), Windows Virtual PC & BrowserStack : Microsoft Edge Dev

Download virtual machines to test various versions of Internet Exploder

  | Sep 8, 2015

How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API?[video id]/mqdefault.jpg

  | Jun 9, 2014

W3Counter - Global Web Stats

Global browser, operating system, and screen resolution statistics

  | Feb 2, 2014

.htaccess tricks and tips.. part two: url rewriting with mod rewrite.

A really good guide to .htaccess

This guy also has some free code called the "distro machine" for downloading files.

  | Jun 18, 2013

SPF Query Tool

  | Nov 9, 2012

SPF: FAQ/Common mistakes

  | Nov 9, 2012

Everything you always wanted to know about touch icons Mathias Bynens

Fairly comprehensive article on touch icons.

  | Sep 21, 2012

Google Insights for Search

  | Dec 13, 2011

USPS - Web Tools Registration Web Page

For calculating shipping rates from a shopping cart

  | Jun 5, 2011

USPS - Web Tools Technical Guides

All of the various technical guides in PDF format

  | Jun 5, 2011

The Apache Cassandra Project

The Apache Cassandra Project develops a highly scalable second-generation distributed database, bringing together Dynamo's fully distributed design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data model.

  | Dec 28, 2010

Panic - Coda - One-Window Web Development for Mac OS X

Coda, One window web development.*

  | Nov 22, 2010

iPhoney - Free iPhone web simulator

works great on my macbook! Unfortunately it just acts like the Safari browser and not exactly like the iphone. I have some sites that work great in iPhoney but have some issues on the iPhone. Guess I need Apple's official SDK

  | Mar 6, 2008

Ultimate Web Development Cheat Sheet Guide

Javascript, CSS, XHTML, AJAX (The list includes the Design215 CSS Quick Reference!)

  | Feb 26, 2008

Cheat Sheets -

A bunch of nice cheat sheets and quick reference charts in PDF format.

  | Feb 26, 2008

Scott Klarr >> Cheat Sheets

A comprehensive collection of cheat sheets for almost all web dev categories.

  | Feb 26, 2008


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