Site Map

The following is an outline of the pages on this site:


sign up
terms of service
privacy policy
report abuse
contact us
site map


help contents
getting started
privacy settings

Your Account

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user homepage
add links
edit profile
edit friends
edit tags
chat room

Linkatopia Blog

blog index

2023 Year in Review

The World of SVG

New Help Pages

Larger Website Icons

Sort Links per Tag

Friends List Upgrade

2021 Year in Review

New Navigation

Speed Improvements

Homepage Updates

New Dedicated Servers

Gibberish Detector

Private Mode

Display Names and Official Accounts

New Link Options

Dark Theme Now Available

I Made a Color Picker

History of Linkatopia

Profile photos are Back!!

Profile photos are gone... temporarily

New QR Code Button for your Profile

Beta Testers Wanted!

Updates Continue

Updates Continue... Bug Fixes

It's Getting There...

Linkatopia is now HTML5

OMFG its time to rebuild!!

Linkatopia will become Linkazoid!

Linkatopia is Back Online!!

Linkatopia Celebrates 5 Years!!

Linkatopia is still going strong!

Linkatopia under attack

OnlyWire Under New Management

Edit Tags bug fixed

Linkatopia featured in Boca Raton Magazine

Linkatopia and SEO

Linkatopia blocks Spam Tools

New Signups Enabled!

Popular Tags are Back!

Limited Functionality Restored

SQL Server Maintenance

More Accurate Popular Tags

reCAPTCHA and popup tweaks

Linkatopia Account Types

Massive Spam Cleanup

Happy New Year!!

A few tweaks here and there...

Linkatopia Goes Mobile!

Foreign characters fix

Linkatopia Mail System

Edit your links inline

New Preference for Themes

All New Help Pages

RSS feeds for each tag!

Avatar Timeout Bug Fixed

Linkatopia Popover Bookmarklet

Avatars, Preferences, and Buttons

Safari Bug Fixed!

New Privacy Preferences

Automatic links in your bio

Tag Search and Popular Tags

Linkatopia first to offer "Tag Privacy"

"Add to Linkatopia" buttons

RSS Feeds Available

Linkatopia Chat Room Open!

Official Launch!!

Bug fixes and features... Beta

Top Members

A top member has a premium account, a public profile, and has contributed to the site.

Robert Giordano
Mollie Meyers
Yuli Morningside
KJensen Images
The Grateful Gemz

