Privacy Settings

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At Linkatopia, we take your privacy seriously. We encourage you to share your links with your friends and even the rest of the world, but at the same time we know that you probably don't want to share everything.

There are privacy options for both your profile and your links, and all of them are easy to use. We know of no other link site that lets you share exactly what you want to share and hide exactly what you want to keep to yourself.


Like most modern web sites, your password is encrypted before it is sent over the internet. All passwords in our database are encrypted so they cannot be read, even by us. If you forget your password, you can request an email with a code to reset your password.

If you log in on a public computer like at a library, or internet cafe, remember to LOG OUT when you are done. Otherwise, the next person who uses that computer could have access to your account!

NO Third Party Cookies

We DO NOT use any third-party cookies! Unlike most other social media and link sites, NO advertisers or anyone else will be tracking you on Linkatopia! In order for Linkatopia to work properly on your computer or phone, you must still allow all cookies from * servers.

We recommend blocking all third party cookies!!

Profile privacy

The following options are in your Linkatopia settings:

  • Account Privacy
    This setting controls the visibility of your account on Linkatopia. If you set your account to "friends only" or "private", your page will not appear on the public site at all.

    If you ONLY want your friends to be able to see your page, select "friends only" and add each one of your friends to your friends list. To do this you can either visit each friend's page and click the "+ friend" button or you can edit your friends list and enter each of their usernames.

    If your account is "private" or "friends only", your links will NOT appear in searches, your tags will not be counted for the "popular tags" list, and you will not appear in the "Recent Posts" feed.

    We recommend leaving your profile "public". Having your profile public lets you be a part of the community, share links with other public members, and promote your other social media and web sites. You CAN STILL make any of your links or tags private!
  • Friends List Visibility
    This setting controls the visibility of your friends list. For students and teens we recommend you keep this set to "friends only" so only you and your friends can see each other's friends lists. This way, strangers won't be able to see who your friends are. Test this by visiting your page when you're logged out.
  • Statistics Visibility
    Again, for students and teens, we recommend you keep this set to "friends only" so only your friends can see when you logged in last and how many links you have. The only reason to leave your statistics public is if you want people to know that you log in regularly to keep your links up to date.

Link privacy

Each time you save or edit a link, you have 3 privacy options:

  • public
    Select this option to share a link with the world. Your notes and your username will appear with the link. Tags associated with all public links are counted to create the "popular tags" list.
  • friends only
    Select this option to hide a link from everyone except the people in your friends list. The link will not appear in searches and will not be counted for the "popular tags" list. Remember not to add people to your friends list unless you want them to see all of your "shared" links.
  • private
    Select this option to hide a link from everyone except you. No one in your friends list can see a private link. The link will not appear in searches and will not be counted for the "popular tags" list.

    Members who save links that may not be appropriate for minors are encouraged to keep those links set to "private" or "shared". Please keep Linkatopia a nice place for everyone.

Tag privacy

If you don't want all of your tags to be visible, you can set one of these privacy options for each tag:

  • public
    This is the default. Normally, people who can see your profile, can see all of your tags. If your profile is public and your tags are public, they are counted for the "popular tags" list.
  • friends only
    Select this option to hide a tag from everyone except the people in your friends list. Links with a "friends only" tag become hidden from the public and can only be seen by your friends.

    Links with a "friends only" tag are only hidden from the public if they don't have any other public tags.
  • private
    Select this option to hide a tag from everyone except you. No one in your friends list can see a private tag. Links with a private tag become private links and can only be seen by you.

    Links with a private tag are only hidden if they don't have any other "friends only" or public tags.

Linkatopia is safer than your browser

If you normally keep all of your bookmarks or favorite sites in your browser, Linkatopia is a better solution. When you store your bookmarks in your browser, they are there for anyone else to see.

Do other people have access to your computer at work or at home? Do you share a computer with other family members, friends, or students? Do you ever take your computer in for repairs? How about your phone?

Linkatopia is a much safer place for your bookmarks and favorites. You can set the privacy level on each link or tag, and if someone else needs to use your computer or phone, just log out of Linkatopia.


PLEASE HELP by letting me know what works and what doesn't. I still have A LOT of stuff to build and fix. I'm still converting parts of this site to be mobile app ready. I'm still adding features. There will be live chat and messaging. There will be site previews and embedded video players.

I want this site to be driven by its members!! Instead of some invisible "dictator" making up "community standards", I want the ACTUAL COMMUNITY to decide how parts of the site should work and what features I should add next! I want ALL OF YOU to help me steer this thing in the direction it needs to go!


Robert Giordano
President and CEO, Design215 Inc.

