Robert Giordano

Welcome to my Linkatopia. I like music, photography, drones, and welding. I'm currently rebuilding this entire site, and adding more cool features. See the blog!

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Motorhead Messiah - Fuel Efficient Cars - Biodiesel - Hybrids

Johnathan Goodwin is a mechanic that modifies vehicles for better fuel efficiency...

Hummer H1 with its engine replaced by a Duramax diesel + compressed hydrogen tank = 36mpg + 2x horsepower!

  | Feb 7, 2008

Foot-and-mouth disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

scary scary scary!! the modern methods of animal meat and dairy production are going to kill us all one day!

  | Oct 6, 2007

Stirling engine - Wikipedia

  | May 17, 2007

The End of Fossil Fuels

Argues against using the term "fossil fuels"

  | May 12, 2007 The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg

Exposes the myths promoted by many environmentalists.

  | Dec 6, 2006

Penn and Teller: Bullsh*t! Environmental Hysteria - Google Video

Everyone needs to watch this video, then go out and actually spend some time learning the facts instead of just listening to all of the bs!!

  | Dec 6, 2006

Global Warming is due to Oceans Heating, NOT Humans

This is a great article that backs up what I've been saying about all of the recent "Global Warming" propaganda. If you have scientific arguments to the contrary, please inform me.

  | May 26, 2006

The Real Inconvenient Truth: Greenhouse, global warming and some facts

This is a longer, more technical and detailed page that explains everything about the Global Warming myth.

  | May 26, 2006

Global Warming: The Origin and Nature of the Alleged Scientific Consensus

Kind of a long page to read, but gives the full history of how the "Global Warming" myth originated, the people behind it, etc. Written by a professor at MIT.

  | May 26, 2006

Global warming controversy - Wikipedia

If you want to learn something, this Wikipedia page presents both sides and tons of links. As far as I'm concerned, the "Global Warming" advocates can produce all the computer models they want. They don't mean anything without valid data.

  | May 26, 2006


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