Robert Giordano

Welcome to my Linkatopia. I like music, photography, drones, and welding. I'm currently rebuilding this entire site, and adding more cool features. See the blog!

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Hexagon Calculator | 6 - Sided Polygon

This is a nice calculator I found that was easy to use and also easy to change the units

  | Feb 17, 2024

Interview with Milton Friedman on the Drug War

Text transcript of an interview with Friedman from 1991, on the war on drugs and how it does more harm than good.

  | Dec 24, 2022

USAFacts | Nonpartisan Government Data

Lots of interesting charts and graphs here.

  | May 3, 2022

'The Anarchist' Series of Books - Lost Art Press

woodworking books

  | Mar 18, 2022

An Ancient Greek Astronomical Calculation Machine Reveals New Secrets - Scientif

New info about the Antikythera mechanism

  | Jan 5, 2022

Publisher or Platform? It Doesn't Matter. | Electronic Frontier Foundation

This article spells out section 230 for anyone who doesn't get it. I'm tired of seeing arguments on BOTH sides keep going in circles.

  | Jan 12, 2021

Mathematics for programmers (early draft) - Math-for-programmers.pdf

There is some great stuff in here on primes, encryption, probability, auto-complete, etc

  | Sep 25, 2020

Houri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What Islamic believers receive in the afterlife- NOT 72 VIRGINS

  | Apr 26, 2015

xkcd: Lakes and Oceans to Scale

Amazing chart!

  | Oct 30, 2014

Learn Italian as Second Language - The Pimsleur Method

The REAL Pimsleur program from Simon and Schuster, not the scam version

  | Aug 15, 2013

Bathymetry Data Viewer |

Bathymetry is the study of the underwater depth of lake and ocean floors.

  | Feb 17, 2012

'Charlie Brooker On British And American TV News'' - YouTube

Includes the clip of a young Bill O Reilly losing his temper!

  | Aug 10, 2011

Needle Through Brick - Watch Free Documentaries Online | SnagFilms

The story of Kung Fu and how it is a disappearing art.

  | Jul 17, 2011

The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity

Whether I considered a large university or a small college, a famous institution or an obscure one, I found that the same fraction Ï of the professors are stupid.

  | May 21, 2011

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Roll over each number for an explanation

  | Jun 3, 2010

Psychiatry Museum of Death

Awesome! Learn all about how millions of people are being drugged just to make the drug companies rich!

  | Nov 30, 2009

Opposition to water fluoridation - Wikipedia

Fluoridation is scary!

  | Nov 28, 2009

Eats, Shoots & Leaves - Wikipedia

A book by Lynne Truss about punctuation. Interesting.

  | Mar 8, 2009

Tlatelolco massacre - Wikipedia

As we get ready for the 2008 Olympics, we should read about what happened days before the 1968 Olympics in Mexico.

  | Aug 5, 2008

Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia

An ancient mechanical calculator for predicting astronomical positions. It has been dated to 150-100 BC! This thing is only about 13 x 7 inches and had 37 gears! It accurately determined leap years, moon phase, and more. Amazing!

  | Jul 11, 2008

Checkershadow Illusion - Edward H. Adelson

A and B are the same shade of gray! I tested it in Photoshop.

  | May 29, 2008

The REAL Threat to Americans. What really kills Americans.

What really kills Americans - laid out graphically

  | Feb 15, 2008

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

This is really scary!! Watch the whole thing, take notes, then ask questions and seek the truth!

  | Jan 19, 2008

The Meatrix

This is scary but true! really well done too!!

  | Nov 26, 2007

Foot-and-mouth disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

scary scary scary!! the modern methods of animal meat and dairy production are going to kill us all one day!

  | Oct 6, 2007

The Thought of a Thought - Edgar Allan Poe

Great discussion of Poe's "Eureka".

"Only when Hubble observed the dynamic expansion of the Universe did Einstein finally discard that prejudice and recognize the necessity of Poe's premise of a dynamic Universe with a finite past..."

  | Aug 18, 2007

The Fundamental Anagram of Calculus

- Isaac Newton

  | Aug 18, 2007

Not Yours to Give - Davy Crockett

Why the Government should not use our money for charity.

  | Aug 1, 2007


So simple its scary

  | Jul 27, 2007

The Truth Is A Lie

I am not a smoker and I am not in favor of smoking. However, this page is an interesting read because it demonstrates the power that lobby groups can have when under the guise of "public safety". Everyone needs to be AWARE

  | Jun 29, 2007

SAT - Wikipedia

Its interesting how they have renamed this test and changed the scoring system twice since 1990.

  | Jun 27, 2007

Language Miniatures

Egads and Odds Bodkins!! Lots of cool little insights into our language.

  | Jun 13, 2007

Animated Engines

Awesome set of animations showing how various engines work.

  | May 17, 2007

The End of Fossil Fuels

Argues against using the term "fossil fuels"

  | May 12, 2007

How To Iron A Shirt (House & Garden: Clothes)

a good video demonstration- I needed this!

  | Feb 23, 2007

How To Fold A T-Shirt In 2 Seconds

Wow, it works!

  | Feb 23, 2007

Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Address

Awesome! If only there were ANY Republicans today like Lincoln. *sigh*

  | Jan 10, 2007

10 Things Your (fill in the blank) Won't Tell You

Good articles including fitness clubs, gas stations, dentists, etc.

  | Dec 31, 2006

Powaqqatsi- Sorcerer Life

This is an amazing art film about "how the lure of mechanization and technology and the growth of mega-cities are having a negative effect on small-scale cultures." It is the second film in a trilogy.

  | Dec 27, 2006 Newbie/Antagonist Board

Interesting intellectual discussions about various forms of government.

  | Dec 11, 2006

Penn and Teller: Bullsh*t! Environmental Hysteria - Google Video

Everyone needs to watch this video, then go out and actually spend some time learning the facts instead of just listening to all of the bs!!

  | Dec 6, 2006

Visible Earth: Home

A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet. Awesome, high resolution images freely available for download.

  | Nov 11, 2006

This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006)

A documentary about the MPAA and all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes; " ...clever censorship arrangement that would certainly violate First Amendment rights were it not for the illusion of voluntariness... "

  | Sep 22, 2006

Birds of North America

A page that helps you determine what kind of bird you saw.

  | Jul 6, 2006

Folksonomies - Article by Adam Mathes, Dec 2004

This is possibly the best article ever written on folksonomies.

  | Jun 11, 2006

Global Warming is due to Oceans Heating, NOT Humans

This is a great article that backs up what I've been saying about all of the recent "Global Warming" propaganda. If you have scientific arguments to the contrary, please inform me.

  | May 26, 2006

The Real Inconvenient Truth: Greenhouse, global warming and some facts

This is a longer, more technical and detailed page that explains everything about the Global Warming myth.

  | May 26, 2006

Global Warming: The Origin and Nature of the Alleged Scientific Consensus

Kind of a long page to read, but gives the full history of how the "Global Warming" myth originated, the people behind it, etc. Written by a professor at MIT.

  | May 26, 2006

Will boycotting one or two gasoline companies lower prices?

No. Scroll to the bottom of this page and read why this wouldn't work even if it were possible to get everyone to do it.

  | May 24, 2006


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