Robert Giordano

Welcome to my Linkatopia. I like music, photography, drones, and welding. I'm currently rebuilding this entire site, and adding more cool features. See the blog!

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phpBB ' View topic - Preventing SPAM - Bots and Humans [*Read the First Post!*]

Good article on dealing with spam bots on any platform, not just forums.

  | Sep 24, 2007

What is reCAPTCHA?

Linkatopia just added reCAPTCHA to the signup page

  | Jun 20, 2007

New tool screens spam, digitizes books | CNET

ReCaptcha presents users with two words, one from a conventional Captcha test and the other an unknown word that a computerized optical character recognition couldn't figure out.

  | Jun 11, 2007

Promising antispam technique gets nod | CNET

DomainKeys works by embedding a digital signature in the headers of an outgoing e-mail message. If the cryptographically secure signature checks out, the message can be delivered as usual. Otherwise, it can be flagged as spam.

  | Jun 11, 2007


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