Welcome to my Linkatopia. I like music, photography, drones, and welding. I'm currently rebuilding this entire site, and adding more cool features. See the blog!
Uber Eats vs. DoorDash: Inside the legal battle between 'two titans' of delivery
| Feb 27, 2025
Meow Wolf Announces Layoffs (And Why I Quit in December)
Great article about the transition of a creative company into corporate greed from the top
| May 4, 2024
optical power beaming developers kit by nimbus engineering
Interesting concept. They're using a high powered LED beam into an array of solar cells sandwiched between layers of glass. You get 9v 6amps
| Apr 30, 2024
There is no right place to approach a woman...so just do it anyway. : dating
Great thread full of arguments from both sides, illustrating a problem in current society- that many are actually DISCOURAGING real life interaction with others.
| Aug 29, 2023
What Happened To The Antarctic Snow Cruiser? - YouTube
Great video about a giant hybrid electric vehicle that ultimately failed because of a rushed timeline.
| Jan 12, 2023
The untold story of the real 'Aunt Jemima' and the fight to preserve her legacy
From ABC News, an unbiased story about the stupidity (my own opinion) of getting rid of the Aunt Jemima brand
| Jul 16, 2022
Interesting site uses AI to create art from photos you give it. I'll have to play with it.
| Jul 3, 2022
What Are the Different Types of Sexuality? 46 LGBTQIA+ Terms to Know
According to this, I'm panromantic
| Mar 24, 2022
Why did the Templars mark this mysterious spot on the map? - BBC Reel
Pretty cool video showing how the Templars used symbolism from multiple religions and attempted to harness magnetic fields
| Feb 18, 2022
Flatpacked stairs - GIF - Imgur
| Jan 17, 2022
Dev corrupts NPM libs 'colors' and 'faker' breaking thousands of apps
The developer got mad because big corporations were using his free software- for free. So, he corrupted it, on purpose. This is what's happening in the world, folks. Both the article and the comments, are interesting.
| Jan 10, 2022
An Ancient Greek Astronomical Calculation Machine Reveals New Secrets - Scientif
New info about the Antikythera mechanism
| Jan 5, 2022
This thing looks really cool. It uses a SIM card and works over 3G/4G.
| Oct 29, 2021
Complex or clickbait?: The problematic Media Bias Chart – ACRLog
Interesting article, intelligent but biased. What's GREAT is the comment from the author of the Media Bias Chart
| Sep 26, 2021
An interactive visualization of the exponential spread of COVID-19 | 91-DIVOC
Nice charts
| Dec 13, 2020
Sidewinder ATX-3000 Omni-Directional Lift Truck - Material Handling 24/7
The wheels on this thing are super cool. It can drive sideways!
| Nov 7, 2020
Mathematics for programmers (early draft) - Math-for-programmers.pdf
There is some great stuff in here on primes, encryption, probability, auto-complete, etc
| Sep 25, 2020
An interactive visualization of the exponential spread of COVID-19 | 91-DIVOC
Florida vs South Dakota
| Sep 3, 2020
Make it harder for Facebook to track you
| Aug 11, 2020
Landmark forum - cult, scam, or path to enlightenment? - thirty two thousand day
A review of the Landmark Forum that a woman named Natasha told me about in Starbucks. Fight Club may have been influenced by this organization
| Dec 15, 2018
| Sep 16, 2018
| Nov 25, 2017
Extremely Unexpected Find Means We May Have To Rewrite The Human Evolution Textb
Fossil teeth found in Europe could be 6 million years older than previous, similar fossils
| Oct 28, 2017
| Sep 1, 2017
| Aug 1, 2017
Lima - Build your personal Cloud in seconds
| Jun 2, 2016
Beyonce protests miss the point - CNN.com
| Feb 12, 2016
Harry Houdini Scrapbook Collection
| Jun 14, 2015
Houri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What Islamic believers receive in the afterlife- NOT 72 VIRGINS
| Apr 26, 2015
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
| Mar 28, 2015
Young, Attractive, and Totally Not Into Having Sex | WIRED
demisexuals and gray asexuals
| Feb 19, 2015
Out of the wild | The Verge - New York City Deer Problem
Cool photos from Staten Island
| Jan 17, 2015
Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie - YouTube
Not sure how I feel about this video. I know its comedy but he comes across as being quite pretentious.
| Dec 12, 2014
| Dec 9, 2014
| Oct 11, 2014
Put the internet to work for you. - IFTTT
| Oct 11, 2014
| Oct 11, 2014
9 Reasons Why You're a Mosquito Magnet
| Jul 27, 2014
| May 14, 2014
Pressy - The almighty Android button
| May 9, 2014
Douglas Hofstadter - Wikipedia
Douglas Richard Hofstadter (born February 15, 1945) is an American professor of cognitive science whose research focuses on the sense of "I", consciousness, analogy-making, artistic creation, literary translation, etc
| Feb 6, 2014
Evgeny vs. the internet : Columbia Journalism Review
| Jan 4, 2014
You Think You Know Someone, and Then He Gets on a Stage and Blows Your Mind
Interesting video of Matt Damon reading a speech by Howard Zinn. The comments are interesting as well.
| Nov 23, 2013
My Pussy is Nothing Like Your Pussy | Dr. Nymphobrainiac
A chart of 30 different vaginas
| Nov 22, 2013
Mantis shrimp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in some cases their biological quarter-wave plates perform more uniformly over the entire visual spectrum than any current man-made polarizing optics, the application of which it is speculated could be applied to a new type of optical media that perf
| Sep 27, 2013
Hamburger Chef Jamie Oliver Proves McDonald's Burgers 'Unfit for human consumpti
Want to know what's wrong with America? Read the comments at the bottom of this article.
| Aug 27, 2013
| Aug 13, 2013
| Aug 13, 2013
File:Rational scale to assess the harm of drugs (mean physical harm and mean dep
Interesting chart
| Aug 12, 2013
| Aug 10, 2013
20 Things 20-Year-Olds Don't Get - Forbes
| Aug 6, 2013
Erase "I Don't Have Time" from Your Vocabulary
| Aug 4, 2013
Barbie In Real World Measurements
| Jul 25, 2013
In 1895, the German drug company Bayer marketed diacetylmorphine as an over-the-counter drug under the trademark name Heroin. The name was derived from the Greek word "Heros" because of its perceived "heroic" effects upon a user.
| Oct 13, 2012
Designing a Hubless Bicycle. From Rhino to SolidWorks '" Your Input? '" - SolidS
Interesting concept with a number of engineering challenges
| Jun 5, 2012
| Apr 25, 2012
| Mar 31, 2012
How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy - Magazine - The Atlantic
| Mar 22, 2012
Bitcoin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a decentralized electronic cash system using peer-to-peer networking, digital signatures and cryptographic proof to enable irreversible payments between parties without relying on trust.
| Jan 1, 2012
Centralia, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This should be a travel destination at some point... before there is nothing left.
| Dec 4, 2011
Obama Legalizes Horse Slaughter for Human Consumption - Technorati Lifestyle
Read the comments. The issue is a bit more complicated than it would seem. Still, it doesn't seem right.
| Nov 29, 2011
Deer Cave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The cave was surveyed for the first time in the year 1978, producing measurements of 174m wide and 122m high in one section that passed through the mountain for a distance of one kilometer.
| Oct 10, 2011
Nag Hammadi library - Wikipedia
| Sep 30, 2011
The Thunder, Perfect Mind -- The Nag Hammadi Library
| Sep 30, 2011
Celebrating the Beatles: Goo Goo Ga Joob!
This is the best explanation I could find. It covers all of the popular theories.
| Sep 28, 2011
| Aug 6, 2011
'Macs don't get viruses' myth dissolves before public's eyes
Fascinating comments follow this mediocre article. One poster claims NT was designed by UNIX people, specifically NOT to be UNIX.
| Jul 10, 2011
BBC iPlayer - Egypt's Lost Cities
| Jun 3, 2011
| May 19, 2011
Ghost Towns : Abandoned Florida
| Apr 7, 2011
Pinhole Pro: Client Generated Royalties for Photographers
| Feb 23, 2011
Richard C. Hoagland - Wikipedia
| Dec 26, 2010
| Dec 26, 2010
Free vs Micro | Megazina | House of Laudanum
...reading Chris Anderson's FREE while performing research on pricing models for an internet service. FREE is a jolly bus-ride through old and new business models, and ideas about market share, pricing, and behavioural economics.
| Dec 5, 2010
Paper is a sustainable, renewable, recyclable, plant-based product that connects us in so many ways to the important things in life. Great ideas are started on paper. The world is educated on paper. Businesses are founded on paper...
| Nov 20, 2010
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - Wikipedia
HAARP is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, with individuals ascribing various hidden motives and capabilities to the project.
| Sep 10, 2010
Part I, Question I | The Malleus Maleficarum
"Whether the belief that there are such beings as witches is so essential a part of the Catholic faith that obstinately to maintain the opposite opinion manifestly savours of heresy..."
| Sep 9, 2010
Take a 90 minute flight on a modified 727 cargo plane and experience zero gravity.
| Sep 5, 2010
10 Books that Screwed Up The World - Top 10 Lists | Listverse
Interesting stuff... not sure I agree with all of these.
| Sep 5, 2010
Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology | Video on TED.c
This guy built a portable camera/projector system where any surface is his device screen!
| Aug 20, 2010
The Web Means the End of Forgetting - NYTimes.com
| Jul 21, 2010
| Apr 9, 2010
Apple Bans Some Apps for Sex-Tinged Content - NYTimes.com
| Feb 26, 2010
The golden ratio is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887.
| Jan 26, 2010
...a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at investigating and disrupting dissident political organizations within the United States.
| Jan 18, 2010
More than you ever wanted to know about: EVERCLEAR
| Dec 24, 2009
Odeo Releases Twttr - TechCrunch
This was one of the first articles about the launch of what is now Twitter on July 15, 2006
| Dec 23, 2009
Technological singularity - Wikipedia
...the short-term emergence of a self-improving artificial intelligence or superintelligence[1] that is so much beyond humans' present capabilities that it becomes impossible to understand it with present conceptions.
| Dec 22, 2009
Projections Put Whites in Minority in U.S. by 2050 - NYTimes.com
If immigration continues, black, Hispanic and Asian children will become a majority of young children sometime between 2019 and 2023, according to the latest projections.
| Dec 17, 2009
Stefan Sagmeister: The power of time off | Video on TED.com
| Dec 16, 2009
Awesome! Learn all about how millions of people are being drugged just to make the drug companies rich!
| Nov 30, 2009
Prophecy of the Popes - Wikipedia
attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes, beginning with Pope Celestine II and concluding with "Peter the Roman" whose term results in the destruction of Rome.
| Nov 13, 2009
Nyx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nyx, the goddess of night and depicted as a figure of exceptional power and beauty. Born of Chaos, some of her children are Moros (fate), Thanatos (death), Hypnos (sleep), and Charon (the ferryman of Hades).
| Nov 1, 2009
Newbie's guide to Twitter | Webware - CNET
down near the bottom of the comments, there is a lengthy comment by peterparker1352 that I think is interesting. The comment was posted July 2008. Just proves people can sound intelligent and really have no clue.
| Sep 17, 2009
Cat righting reflex - Wikipedia
| Jun 26, 2009
The Forgotten Technology - W.T. Wallington
W.T. Wallington explains how he learned to move huge blocks of stone with simple tools
| May 28, 2009
In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell's information processing systems.
| Apr 25, 2009
"2009 Ultra Music Festival, Day 2" by Robert Giordano
Infected Mushroom, Armin Van Buuren, The Prodigy, Paul Van Dyk, and more...
| Apr 11, 2009
Courtney Love redefines music piracy and blasts the RIAA | Salon Technology
Awesome article!
| Mar 26, 2009
Eats, Shoots & Leaves - Wikipedia
A book by Lynne Truss about punctuation. Interesting.
| Mar 8, 2009
A three-movement composition by American avant-garde composer John Cage (1912'"1992).
| Feb 7, 2009
The Price Of Oil Video - CBSNews.com
This piece aired on 60 Minutes recently and even though it has some flaws, everybody should watch it. Pay close attention to the connection between Enron and oil prices. This video should make you ask more questions!
| Jan 25, 2009
Geomagnetic reversal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
| Jan 12, 2009
| Jan 3, 2009
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
This site has the complete text of a book written by Wallace D. Wattles in 1910 that was the inspiration for "The Secret".
| Dec 4, 2008
It's like having your own miniature cell tower that covers up to 5,000 square feet.
| Dec 2, 2008
Douay-Rheims Bible - Wikipedia
| Nov 30, 2008
This is pretty funny. They have code you can ad to your web site so it appears in black and white if you're still using IE6.
| Nov 27, 2008
| Nov 13, 2008
Ha! He was burned at the stake for practising "magic". He believed the Sun was at the center of the solar system.
| Oct 29, 2008
2000s energy crisis - Wikipedia
In June 2008, OPEC's Secretary General Abdullah al-Badri stated that current world consumption of oil at 87 million bpd was far exceeded by the "paper market" for oil, equal to 1.36 billion bpd, or more than 15 times the actual market demand.
| Oct 21, 2008
William Delbert Gann - Wikipedia
stock trader that used astrological charts to predict market events. Interesting stuff
| Oct 18, 2008
Tlatelolco massacre - Wikipedia
As we get ready for the 2008 Olympics, we should read about what happened days before the 1968 Olympics in Mexico.
| Aug 5, 2008
Postcrossing - Postcards Traveling The World
It's a project that allows anyone to exchange postcards (paper ones, not electronic) from random places in the world.
| Jul 30, 2008
Biological basis for creativity linked to mental illness
Scientists ponder the relationship between creativity and madness. Sounds like stuff I've known for years. =)
| Jul 28, 2008
Lindsey Williams talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth.
| Jul 18, 2008
| Jul 14, 2008
The Miracle Fruit plant produces berries that, when eaten, cause bitter and sour foods (such as lemons and limes) consumed later to taste sweet.
| Jul 12, 2008
Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia
An ancient mechanical calculator for predicting astronomical positions. It has been dated to 150-100 BC! This thing is only about 13 x 7 inches and had 37 gears! It accurately determined leap years, moon phase, and more. Amazing!
| Jul 11, 2008
EURion constellation - Wikipedia
| Jun 25, 2008
Card Throwing: A course on how to throw playing cards
| Jun 15, 2008
Checkershadow Illusion - Edward H. Adelson
A and B are the same shade of gray! I tested it in Photoshop.
| May 29, 2008
Frequent Questions--Running Your Car on Water
| May 24, 2008
800notes.com - (702) 520-1163 / 7025201163
Today I received an automated telemarketing call from the above number. My number is on the Do Not Call list. A Google search of the number revealed this site and a number of other people who had the same issue.
| Apr 21, 2008
Numberopedia: what's special about this number?
| Apr 17, 2008
By posting Member Content to any part of the Web site [Facebook], you automatically grant...
| Apr 11, 2008
Hummingbird Facts at Hummingbirds Forever
I thought this was interesting. Hummingbirds are pretty amazing!
| Apr 11, 2008
Grilled Cheese Contest - Seattle Cheese Festival: May 16-18, 2008
Yeah, so cheese isn't the most healthy thing in the world, but I thought this looked fun!
| Mar 31, 2008
Autism's mysteries remain as numbers grow - CNN.com
Autism is supposedly increasing and no one has a clue. Interesting. None of these "intelligent" scientists question the increasing toxicity in our environment and the decreasing nutrition children are getting these days.
| Mar 31, 2008
Extremely high frequency - Wikipedia
Millimeter Wave or MMW is behind the new ADS "Ray Gun" and could also provide wireless HDMI and 2.5 Gigabit wireless data over short distances. When MMW routers come out, will you be able to hack one and use it to fry unwanted solicitors?
| Mar 1, 2008
Fight back against Junkmail - Direct Mail - Bulk Mailings
some interesting information about fighting postal spam.
| Feb 28, 2008
KROMOFONS - the first new operating system for your mind
An alphabet based on colors instead of letters. Personally, I question the color choices for the various letters. For instance, bright red for the letter "L"?
| Feb 26, 2008
The REAL Threat to Americans. What really kills Americans.
What really kills Americans - laid out graphically
| Feb 15, 2008
Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them! - Wikipedia
There's a lesson here somewhere, I'm just not sure what it is...
| Feb 13, 2008
Another scary video on Google about how computers that count votes can be hacked.
| Feb 7, 2008
Motorhead Messiah - Fuel Efficient Cars - Biodiesel - Hybrids
Johnathan Goodwin is a mechanic that modifies vehicles for better fuel efficiency...
Hummer H1 with its engine replaced by a Duramax diesel + compressed hydrogen tank = 36mpg + 2x horsepower!
| Feb 7, 2008
This is really scary!! Watch the whole thing, take notes, then ask questions and seek the truth!
| Jan 19, 2008
Welcome to this site where you can find all information about the writings and research of Patrick Geryl concerning the coming polar reversal in the year 2012.
| Jan 14, 2008
Where did Google get its name?
Here's the answer in the Merriam Webster Dictionary...
| Jan 13, 2008
As of January 7, 2008 this website lists 7737 famous (and semi-famous) people from various walks of life - entertainment, politics, sports, music, law, and others.
| Jan 7, 2008
Okay, this link answers the question that the other link raised!
| Jan 3, 2008
Precession and Zodiac - Advanced Astrology Articles - Understanding Astrology
A more detailed article explaining why the zodiac positions are not the same as the positions of the constellations named after the zodiac signs.
| Jan 3, 2008
Am I really Aquarius or am I Capricorn like Edgar Allan Poe? This article is interesting but I'm not convinced...
| Jan 3, 2008
Howstuffworks "How does a jet truck work?"
Shockwave, a triple jet-engine truck on a 260-inch (660-cm) wheelbase, holds the Guinness record for jet-truck speed at 376 miles per hour.
| Dec 8, 2007
Article "'Ambidextrous People' are Brain-Damaged"
Robert Giordano is ambidextrous. Is he brain damaged? lol
| Nov 24, 2007
Trigger GREEN Traffic Lights! Video
If you have a motorcycle or other small vehicle, you need these magnets.
| Nov 3, 2007
59 Of The Coolest Toilet Signs Around The World
| Sep 19, 2007
People write in with bizarre instructions for songs and they are made!
| Sep 11, 2007
A little commentary about Facebook and the people behind it that's really kinda scary. Can you say "Big Brother?"
| Sep 10, 2007
List of adages named after people - Wikipedia
| Sep 1, 2007
Not Yours to Give - Davy Crockett
Why the Government should not use our money for charity.
| Aug 1, 2007
Missing the Point on Immigration
| Aug 1, 2007
Shortwave radio stations of unknown origin where automated voices read streams of numbers, words, or letters. Weird!
| Aug 1, 2007
The tallest vehicular bridge in the world. Only 125 feet shorter than the Empire State Building!
| Jul 24, 2007
Non-Newtonian fluid - Wikipedia
Check out the video links at the end of the page where you'll see some people "walking" on the surface of this fluid!
| Jul 5, 2007
I am not a smoker and I am not in favor of smoking. However, this page is an interesting read because it demonstrates the power that lobby groups can have when under the guise of "public safety". Everyone needs to be AWARE
| Jun 29, 2007
| Jun 21, 2007
At 6am on May 14 2007 Tony Wright began his quest to break the 43 year old world sleep deprivation record. The previous record of 264 hours (11 days) was set by 17 year old Randy Gardner in 1964 as part of a student science project in San Diego.
| Jun 21, 2007
- Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world on Dec 21.
- NASA says our sun's magnetic poles will reverse.
- Charles Manson is eligible for a parole hearing
| Jun 10, 2007
A really long page about what will (and could) happen on December 21, 2012. A reversal of the earth's magnetic poles would be interesting...
| Jun 10, 2007
LEGO Store - Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon'
Almost 3 feet long by 2 feet wide and contains over 5000 pieces!
| Apr 13, 2007
Unsolved Zodiac Cipher - 340 cipher
| Mar 16, 2007
Zodiac "button cipher" solution
| Mar 16, 2007
site contains an interesting collection of tools as well as the Zodiac stuff.
| Mar 16, 2007
All the different versions of the Google holiday logos for each year since 1999.
| Feb 14, 2007
The State | 01/22/2007 | You will wish to remain anonymous
| Jan 22, 2007
www.BloodForOil.org iRaq (iPod parody) posters
I wonder what Steve Jobs thinks of these...
| Jan 11, 2007
Abraham Lincoln's Cooper Union Address
Awesome! If only there were ANY Republicans today like Lincoln. *sigh*
| Jan 10, 2007
Philadelphia Experiment - Wikipedia
Very interesting although not one of the best written articles on Wikipedia. The discussion page linked to the article is just as interesting.
| Dec 30, 2006
Funny stuff. These are actual craigslist postings from real people.
| Dec 24, 2006
Personal advertisement - Wikipedia
List of acronyms used in personal ads like BBW, BSDM, DWF, etc. The fact that this list exists is amusing in itself or at least to me it is, lol.
| Dec 24, 2006
the bar code clock and "bar code yourself" are both very cool. Check out "Bar Code Jesus" too.
| Dec 22, 2006
HUBLOT GENEVE - Wristwatch Animation
Very nice wristwatch Flash animation that continually shows the correct time
| Nov 11, 2006
A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet. Awesome, high resolution images freely available for download.
| Nov 11, 2006
Displays a large, detailed view of the current moon phase with dates of the last and next full moon.
| Nov 6, 2006
This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006)
A documentary about the MPAA and all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes; " ...clever censorship arrangement that would certainly violate First Amendment rights were it not for the illusion of voluntariness... "
| Sep 22, 2006
"Dog" the bounty hunter saga...
Read the comments and understand the ridiculous double standard our government practices...
| Sep 22, 2006
Click "inventory" and view this guy's immense CD collection.
| Aug 12, 2006
Science Online Special Feature - 125 unanswered questions
The most compelling puzzles and questions facing scientists today. This article was published in July 2005.
| Aug 12, 2006
Church of the SubGenius - Wikipedia
"Bob" was featured in the Atari ST character set and the Linux distribution Slackware is named for Slack.
| Aug 7, 2006
An interesting analogy someone made in reference to Digg and other community driven Web 2.0 sites.
| Aug 5, 2006
Divacup.com - Question and Answer
ROFLMAO -> "...by wearing it low in the canal (not pushing it up high like a tampon), the cup should be very easy to remove. If it does ride up too high to reach, please call our toll free customer service line as our experienced staff can help."
| Jul 22, 2006
Lynucs.org : The Free Desktop Screenshot Archive - Linux Screenshots
Kind of interesting...
| Jun 2, 2006
For years, snarg has been one of the strangest and coolest sites around and its always changing. Just dig around for a bit and keep clicking things.
| May 12, 2006
BWG - The end of the whole mess (mess.pdf)
An interesting story about a chat room hoax. This is a perfect example of why you can't believe anything a person tells you in a chat room.
| May 5, 2006
FakersSuck.com - Find Fake Pictures
| May 5, 2006
"Our mission is to build a worldwide gifting movement that reduces waste, saves precious resources & eases the burden on our landfills while enabling our members to benefit from the strength of a larger community."
| May 5, 2006
kilbyCreative.com - Florida Signs 2004
| May 4, 2006
What are "hedcuts?" Picturing Business in America
"Hedcuts" are the portrait line drawings like the ones in the Wall Street Journal.
| May 4, 2006
Ten reasons why you should never accept a diamond ring
| May 4, 2006
Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained
| May 4, 2006
X-Entertainment could seriously spend a month asleep.
"The main purpose of X-E is to bring to light many of the more obscure, geeky parts of pop-culture that often get buried as years go by. Whether it's an old movie, toy, video game, television show, or candy bar..."
| May 4, 2006
Neal Adams Science Project New Model of the Universe
Claims continents did not drift apart but they were stretched and torn apart because the earth is expanding. Well done 3D animations showing the process.
| May 3, 2006
| May 3, 2006
I'm not quite sure what this site is about. Is it a search engine? a portal?
| May 3, 2006
Steve Pavlina - polyphasic sleep
He also has some interesting techniques and ideas for success in business.
| May 3, 2006
Inspirational Portal from Thailand
Site with the grass photo background. Collection of nice web sites by other international artists.
| Apr 27, 2006
bodytag - web programming explorations
Lots of really cool dhtml, java, and misc experiments
| Apr 27, 2006
This user's friend list is private.