Robert Giordano

Welcome to my Linkatopia. I like music, photography, drones, and welding. I'm currently rebuilding this entire site, and adding more cool features. See the blog!

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Interview with Milton Friedman on the Drug War

Text transcript of an interview with Friedman from 1991, on the war on drugs and how it does more harm than good.

  | Dec 24, 2022

American GDP: The Fantastic Fiction of American Economic Strength | Dan Colli

Look into the statistics used in this article

  | Jun 20, 2016

Hamburger Chef Jamie Oliver Proves McDonald's Burgers 'Unfit for human consumpti

Want to know what's wrong with America? Read the comments at the bottom of this article.

  | Aug 27, 2013

Ron Paul VS Paul Krugman 4-30-12 FULL Bloomberg - YouTube

Try to find a transcript of this and analyze it.

  | May 2, 2012

Kitco Commentator's Corner

  | May 19, 2011


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